
Hard work or smart work?

  Hard work , Smart work or the combination of the latter and former. This is the 21st century and everyone knows how tough this century has become in terms of competition and the likes whilst on the other correct side of it , everyone can have his/her own share of money. The internet has so far created by far the highest number of millionaires from the 0BC(that is if the period exists) upto now. With the recent launch of telegram bots , one can also earn a significant amount of money(l am not saying you should be Telegrammer). Youtube , Facebook , Instagram , Tiktok is paying quite a lot to the point that you can even drop out of your current 9/5 piece of sh**t if you happen to find a niche for yourself. Then thereof from now onwards l want to get straight to the core of this part of the blog that is hard work , smart work or the combination of the two to achieve great competence. Smart Work Smart work is the ability to use leverage to achieve greater results in a certain aspect

Why many people think online trading is a scam

There are so many reasons why people think online trading is a scam and l don't blame them but l only blame the education that they kind of recieved when they were growing or when they were whatever they were doing , but who cares , nobody l think since the goal is to make money. I will mention the reason and the why and the how if its applicable in the context as to why people hate trading and say only bad things about it. Reason 1: Giving someone money so that the someone can invest for them. Hohoho l am laughing like crazy now. Give someone your money so that they invest it in an investment that you don't understand is a bad practise before all the worst practises l know oooops. Its either a ride or a die in this industry and only those with strong hearts enter. Its about losses and wins , Risk Reward Ratio ummmmm you can can't 🤣🤣🤣. Don't invest in what you don't know about or else it will end up in tears. Reason 2: Choosing a scam broker. Hehehehehede la

Earning from the internet

I love this idea as much as l hate 9/5 workloads pieces of sh*t. Working on the internet gives a wide variety of options such as browsing through faucets , using Telegram , being a blogger , being a YouTuber without the expense of working for someone else🥺🥺🥺which pains me and you. Okay okay that seems too cool to be true right? But nuh it depends on your persepective and whatever you wanna do with your life. The internet has more than 200 million ideas to earn from and yeah l thank God l at least found 700 of them though they do not pay much but they give me options in life(😛i am sticking my tongue out now and l am in a happier vibe than Michael Jackson's drag down dance. I just wrote this blog page to just enjoy writing since it has become one of my latest trends of passions. Can one have many passions? I don't know about that but yeah l do love many things wholeheartedly. There are so many things to do online that can provide a significant amount of cashflow into your po

Earn Cryptocurrency from Telegram without investing any money

  Telegram has recently become one of the income earners for many people around the world. Isn't that adorable and amazing , just imagine getting cryptocurrency by viewing ads on Telegram? I hope you imagined that right. Yep Telegram , yes l do mean Telegram the App that was only created for cloud based activities and more. Let me go straight to my point as l do not want to waste your pretty good and precious time talking gibberish.  What to do. You find a link to a bot(of course l will provide the link later but now l want you to know how it works) , then after finding the link , you obviously click it and be redirected to the bot where you will start the conversation by a command /start which will be automatically be available on the bot. After you click or type the command you will be given many options such as view websites , message bots and join groups. You then choose what you want to do to earn from the options l aforementioned above. After you perform the tasks your accoun