Earn Cryptocurrency from Telegram without investing any money


Telegram has recently become one of the income earners for many people around the world. Isn't that adorable and amazing , just imagine getting cryptocurrency by viewing ads on Telegram? I hope you imagined that right. Yep Telegram , yes l do mean Telegram the App that was only created for cloud based activities and more. Let me go straight to my point as l do not want to waste your pretty good and precious time talking gibberish. 

What to do.

You find a link to a bot(of course l will provide the link later but now l want you to know how it works) , then after finding the link , you obviously click it and be redirected to the bot where you will start the conversation by a command /start which will be automatically be available on the bot. After you click or type the command you will be given many options such as view websites , message bots and join groups. You then choose what you want to do to earn from the options l aforementioned above. After you perform the tasks your account will be credited. For withdrawals you have to reach a certain minimum threshold which is easier to reach if you are serious about earning.

NB: l will only provide the links of the bots that have been paying me.

Real bot links are provided below:

Click to earn Bitcoin
Click to earn Bitcoin Cash
Click to earn Litecoin
Click to earn Zcash
Click to earn Dogecoin

How to earn more.

You can earn more from these bots by doing the following ways. By saying doing the following l do mean you can also add your own ways to diversify the income portfolio from these bots.

1) Referring people.

By referring more people , you get 20% from their workload and 1% from the amount they spent on adverts


2) Working a bit harder.

This strategy is the best though it takes some time but its a high sure way of earning more for yourself without relying on referrals. This is the method that l use and yeah its pretty cool.

How these bots earn

These bots earn by making advertisers pay to get their content on the bot server hence what you earn is provided by advertisers. In simple terms , these bots are Get Paid To server sites.

NB: Withdrawals are instant after the minimum threshold has been reached. And for more information please do contact me on WhatsApp


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