Hard work or smart work?


Hard work , Smart work or the combination of the latter and former.

This is the 21st century and everyone knows how tough this century has become in terms of competition and the likes whilst on the other correct side of it , everyone can have his/her own share of money. The internet has so far created by far the highest number of millionaires from the 0BC(that is if the period exists) upto now. With the recent launch of telegram bots , one can also earn a significant amount of money(l am not saying you should be Telegrammer). Youtube , Facebook , Instagram , Tiktok is paying quite a lot to the point that you can even drop out of your current 9/5 piece of sh**t if you happen to find a niche for yourself. Then thereof from now onwards l want to get straight to the core of this part of the blog that is hard work , smart work or the combination of the two to achieve great competence.


Smart Work

Smart work is the ability to use leverage to achieve greater results in a certain aspect of life. Before l go further l want to give you a pretty good example of leverage that is highly common everywhere and anywhere . Here is goes , suppose you are a guy who is involved in a 9/5 piece of sh**t environment , then the owner of the company actually uses the manager who later uses you. Here is the leverage pyramid in this kind of environment. The owner of the company is leveraging the manager who later leverages you so basically a 9/5 person is in a serious leveraged condition(i hope you don't put what l write to heart , l write for educative purposes and for fun). Very very very smart people use leverage everyday , l remember when l was in O level , there was a guy who understood leverage in a very intelligent way. What he always did was as follows. He didn't read books at all but by the time exams were advancing he hung around kids who totalised(what l am trying to say here is he hung around kids who were always discussing school work). Then he would listen to the conversations and would be taking notes into his head. i don't know maybe the example is too good to be true but l hope you grasp the concept of what l am trying to say. Smart people use brains and they are taking the world by the horns by using other people to achieve greatness.

Hard Work

Hard work is the ability to use your hands to achieve something in a pretty hard way (hope you grasp this concept as well). Before l go any further l want to give you an example of hard work. The example goes off as: suppose you are an employee (9/5 person) then you are told to come to work by 9 o'clock in the morning(sounds disgusting right, yeah it is) The upon arrival at work you are told to do what you hate which obviously requires hard work such as lifting boxes that you don't want to lift to the bosses' offices(please put that into your head and see how painful it feels , shame). After you complete that task you are given another one ,oooops another pain. Let me end here. I hope you fully grasp the concept behind hard work.

Would you like that is now the question.

Combining hard work and smart work would produce super combustive results l suppose , what do you think?

Thanks for reading follow me on WhatsApp for marketing , chatting , enjoying a 9/5 free lifestyle.


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