Why you should be shifting to Bitcoin

Before l saying anything , if you are new to Bitcoin and you want to know more about it , then just search at the Wikipedia section of my blog. For now let's discuss the why of my story.

Bitcoin , shout-out to Nakamoto for such a brilliant idea. But if bitcoin is mentioned to some other people , a scammish nature surrounds their prefontal cortex but honestly l don't blame anyone since the common mantra is , be born , go to school , find a job , buy a car and tf more. What a pretty waste of life , what a more pretty waste of life if you haven't shifted to bitcoin yet. Just imagine , l mean just imagine real big sh*t. Now there are two things combined here , real big sh*t and a complete waste of life. Booooom results are so exhaustive here. Okay before l say more of this stuff let me go straight to the point and the point here being why you should be shifting to bitcoin.

Bitcoin fluctuates in prices

This means that owning bitcoins may have a very psoitive impact on your bank balance but it fluctuates down , you know the pronto mantra , someone might get hurt in the process. But honestly speaking , the value of bitcoin will continue to rise in the near future and l will tell you my reasons  which by fact are so true , please believe MrHeureuxComics and f**k it , go and purchase your own bitcoins. And remember one can make money from these fluctuations because you can trade it on trading platforms.

Bitcoin is decentralised

This means that there is no central government that can tackle the movement of bitcoins in the blockchain , hahahahaha what a complete usage of resources by Nakamoto.(love you homeboy from another continent). This decentralisation makes it worthwhile to invest in bitcoin since every nation's citizen can transact , l love this idea like its my first love okay.

Every good investor trusts bitcoin

If Robert Kiyosaki who is considered the best financial education author (the first best being me , hahahaha , please laugh that's meant to be a joke) invests in bitcoin , then why can't you. Many investors trusts bitcoin because it does not create that level of inflation (if it creates any at all). 

Bitcoin cannot create inflation

The federal reserve has no control in the transactions and movement of the blockchain hence they can't remove or add more bitcoins to the blockchain. Wondering why bitcoin has more value by 10000 points to that of the United States dollar. Its because bitcoins are limited to a certain number which makes it a non-inflationary causing asset. Hope you really understand my point here. I have tried to use the simplest English available in my dictionery(which is better than the Mirriam Webster by 20000 points if l am not mistaken , wtf don't take it personal, l am joking)

Bitcoin will increase in value

This is so so so very true and we both know that even if we try to deny the facts. The FED is doping more money in the economy and it makes the value of the United States dollar(USD) , drop against bitcoin. Now you know why the value of bitcoin will increase.

Tip: If you trade bitcoin against USD on trading platforms then wait for any news that states that more money(USD) has been added into the United States economy and buy bitcoin , you will thank me later if you follow my cute advise. 

You can purchase bitcoin worth any amount

What the heading statement or phrase means is, you can purchase bitcoins worth even 1USD , and this means that if 1BTC = USD$11,000 then you can calculate how many bitcoins are worth USD$1.00. Please smile l am the Einsten of your life , l just gave you a mathematical formula. 

I have so many reasons as to why you should be investing in bitcoin , but l will tell you more later , or just click on the WhatsApp icon on the corner of the screen to follow me on WhatsApp. 

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